(02.02.2008 16:55)
Atypical sexual deviations Homosexuality (sexual inversion, гомофилия, гомоэротизм, эквисексуализм) is shown by the sexual inclination directed on persons of the same floor. Crucial importance thus has гомоэротическая мотивитация, and also « orientation of feelings », instead of character of sexual actions which not necessarily should correspond to sexual preferences. Homosexuality at men name also уранизмом (on behalf of Uranium, the father of the Aphrodite born without mother), and also a paederasty which has two values: 1) man''s homosexuality, first of all sexual actions between the man and the boy; 2) the sexual relations through back pass between the man and the boy or between two men. The second value of the specified term though is widespread very widely, but it is incorrect, as such sexual certificate designate other term - педикация, and such sexual relations can occur and between the man and the woman. The term «эфебофилия» designate a sexual inclination of the man to teenagers, This version of homosexuality has been especially widespread in the Ancient Greece where was legal and appreciated level with гетеросексуальными contacts. Female homosexuality designate also terms « лесбиянская love », «сапфизм» (by name the ancient greek poetess Sapfo lived on island Lesbos) or «трибадия». The term «корофилия» name a sexual inclination of adult women to young girls. From all sexual deviations homosexuality is allocated with that forms of behaviour of people with this deviation do not differ from those at гетеросексуальных people if to not consider change of an orientation of a sexual inclination. As well as all people with sexual deviations, homosexuals experience the certain difficulties in searches of the corresponding partner with which it would be possible to create the harmonious and strong partner union. In the rest homosexuals behave the same as also people without any sexual deviations. Dynamics of development of emotional communications at homosexuals is similar those at гетеросексуальных people. Greater duration гетеросексуальных the unions is caused by any other development of the emotional unions caused by any other development of emotional communications, and the social influence directed on preservation of family, first of all when there are children. Similar influence is absent concerning the homosexual unions which are not having children and consequently after the termination of the period of passionate enthusiasm homosexual persons can stop communication. Homosexuals are pursued always with a phantom of loneliness and these experiences amplify with the years. At the same time the specific elements promoting strengthening of the homosexual union, especially at women, are the best understanding of essential physical and mental cares партнерши, an environment its atmosphere of deep tenderness, and also an opportunity to deliver to it greater is emotional-sexual satisfaction in connection with that the woman understands female mentality is better. The big influence on dynamics of the partner homosexual unions renders the attitude of a society to homosexuality. From the clinical point of view it is necessary to pay attention to that fact, that homosexuality at all is not the illness which is a subject treatment. There is a greater group of homosexuals which not only приемлют the bents, but also are rather happy with them and even consider as their display of the maximum stage of development of the person as a whole (that it is possible to consider as the original protective mechanism). Exist, however, other group of homosexuals which, realizing discrepancy of the behaviour or bents, and also the difference from norm, deeply regret for own destiny. They would like to live the same as also other people, but cannot. They are afraid of condemnation and компрометации and consequently hide the homosexual bents even from the most close relatives, are concerned by the destiny and impossibility to create family; of loneliness are afraid, feel deceived destiny which does not allow them to live as all other people and dooms to sufferings and loneliness. From this group of people, мечущихся between need of satisfaction of the sexual inquiries and necessity of submission to requirements of a society in which they live, there is "selection" of patients for sexological clinics. However, in clinics they get not only in communication with the sexual bents, but much more often in connection with presence of neurosises, depressions and infringements of the behaviour, their suffering being by consequence. In occurrence of the homosexuality caused средовыми by influences, the certain role is played so-called метатропная with the phase of a sexual inclination representing a natural phase of development. Before final formation the sexual inclination is not still differentiated and directed on противоположенный a floor, especially at children who are brought up in severe conditions with application of various interdictions. At children''s age the sexual inclination is unstable bidirectional; and only carried out in normal conditions гетеросексуальная orientation causes a final orientation of an inclination on an opposite floor. Seduction, an event on метатропной to a phase, creates danger of development of homosexuality or bisexuality that promoted also by a phase of emotional interest acting at unripe persons persons of the same floor. Homosexuality or bisexuality can develop in this phase not only under influence of seduction, but also under action of the various mental traumas, braking development of a sexual inclination. Homosexuality can be subdivided into 4 groups: 1. Pseudo-homosexuality (homosexual actions are carried out not on homosexual motives, and on the basis of other reasons, for example, material benefits); 2. Homosexuality of the period of development (it is caused by a delay метатропной or other children''s phase of development of a sexual inclination); 3. The homosexuality caused by various delays (these delays can be display of a neurosis or immaturity of the person and to be shown by block and fear before гетеросексуальностью, and also before persons of an opposite floor, that makes impression as if homosexuality has character of replaceable behaviour); 4. The homosexuality caused by homosexual bents and behaviour, but also representations and the maintenance of dreams; besides it is characterized significant concentration of attention on itself, нарцистическая with installation, is art-aesthetic interests and т. Item). Treatments with the purpose of change of an orientation of a sexual inclination demand the homosexuality caused by delays of mental development, thus it should be directed on elimination of these delays and fear before an opposite floor. Транссексуализм consists in discrepancy of mental feeling of own floor and морфобиологической structures of a body, and also a social (metric) floor which are perceived as something "alien", belonging an opposite floor. The person with транссексуализмом feels the man, the prisoner in a body of the woman, and on the contrary. In this connection, and also with disgust for own body belonging an opposite floor, such people test significant sufferings and aspires to return to itself a body belonging their floor, and thirst for recognitions their society in a role corresponding mental feeling of own floor. Transexual persons put on according to mental sensation of the sexual accessory, feel satisfactions if them accept for people of this floor, and also usually show the expressed aspiration to change of structure of the body, not stopping even before complex surgical interventions. The orientation of a sexual inclination as the phenomenon secondary in relation to mental feeling of own floor, usually corresponds to this consciousness of the sexual accessory (that automatically means discrepancy in relation to a structure of genitals, and also seeming "homosexuality"). The transexual person feeling the man, possesses a female structure of a body and genitals, but the sexual inclination at it is directed on women that is adequate to mental feeling of own floor. It cannot be considered as the homosexual only for the reason, that the orientation of a sexual inclination mismatches a structure of genitals, that, however, is experienced as something "alien" and disgusting from what транссексуалист aspires will get rid. The essence транссексуализма till now finally is not found out. Last years biological aspects этиопатогенеза транссексуализма were especially intensively studied. The special attention was given genetic and эндокринным to factors. Sexual identification and sexual role represent two parties of one medal. The differentiation of sexual identification (a choice of a man''s or female role) has the пренатальные determinants which have first of all a hormonal nature. Process of differentiation of a floor on man''s and female two principles operate. One of them is the principle of identification based on copying, imitation of the child that speak and parents and other people, significant for it and belonging to one floor with it do. The second is the principle of the addition, consisting that the child perceives that speak and parents and other people in relation to persons of an opposite floor in comparison with a floor to which carry the child do. Both these mechanisms - identifications and addition - are reflected in a brain that is shown that the person speaks and does. The scheme of these mechanisms as a whole or its part can be displaced or replaced another. Транссексуализм also is an example similar steady and full change. At transexuals the scheme of addition, согласующаяся with the criteria defined by external genitals and ability by a birth, is replaced with the scheme of identification, т. е. The boy thinks, feels, represents, speaks and operates as the girl, aspiring to be with her, and on the contrary. If there was a transexual differentiation of identification of a sexual role it is already steady in relation to any attempts to change it. In this connection apply hormonal and surgical methods which purpose is the adaptation of a structure of a body to mental feeling of own floor. Strictly speaking, транссексуализм does not concern to sexual deviations though it and include in the majority of classifications of sexual frustration. Транссексуализм besides not only is not sexual deviation (in sense of concept of the deviation defined by cultural norms of sexual behaviour which define borders «нормальности»), but also at all is not the infringement primarily amazing sexual sphere. Thus sexual problems are more likely secondary, and the essence of frustration lays much more deeply and concerns sexual identification and sexual roles. Sexual problems at transexuals have for them not so great value as all of them attention and aspirations concentrate on reduction of a structure of a body conformity with mental feeling of a sexual accessory. The majority of transexuals does not practise мастурбацию as a touch to genitals which are rejected by them, cause in them disgust and reminds of that situation in which they are and of which aspire to get rid. Dominating attribute of transexuals is their narcissism which, possibly, plays a role of the intramental protective mechanism in relation to the broken sexual identification. The narcissism is the general attribute of transexual men and women, however its displays at them are various. Transexual the man shows monotonous психодинамические features. Its typical features are: - Нарцистическое representation about itself as about the attractive, passive, nonaggressive woman; - Sexual needs and activity are expressed poorly. Frequency of the sexual relations is low, and at half of transexuals does not come «генитального» satisfactions; - The tendency to accept a condition concerning surrounding people, and also quite often strongly pronounced мазохистические features at transexual women are shown by a syndrome defined as « фаллически-нарцистический character » Syndrome отвергания a floor. It is necessary to distinguish transexuals from transvestites and феминизированных homosexuals. All these three kinds of sexual deviations have one general attribute, namely - aspiration to change clothes in clothes of an opposite floor. This cleanly external attribute has various motivation in all three specified groups. Транссексуалисты test simplification and satisfaction at carrying clothes of an opposite floor (but in their understanding - the clothes corresponding their "true" floor, т. е. Mentally experienced by them) as it makes external expression of their desire to belong to other floor. Unlike transvestites and феминизированных homosexuals they do not test эротически the painted satisfaction from carrying clothes of an opposite floor.. Considering far-reaching consequences which are entailed with an establishment of the diagnosis транссексуализма, it is necessary to aspire to maximal reliability at its diagnostics. Mistakes in the diagnosis, especially after hasty made operative change of a floor, can appear fatal and besides appreciably irreparable. In this connection use very strict diagnostic criteria and carry out long enough supervision in not clear cases. « Operative change » генитального and a passport floor (at the some people only the second) can facilitate existence not only to transexual persons, but also homosexuals and transvestites. In case of homosexuality change of existence and the official status in sphere of sexuality opens a way for the lawful unisex partner union and simultaneously eliminates negative reaction from a society. At presence трансвестизма the basic role is played with the fact of the termination of a public reprimand. As differential attributes classical транссексуализма authors allocate the following: aspiration marked from the early childhood to belong to an opposite floor in comparison with available them anatomic, chromosomal and эндокринными features; presence of features of the person, characteristic for an opposite floor; the sexual behaviour opposite to volume which at them should be marked according to an anatomic floor; отвергание the clothes corresponding sexual attributes available them, and use of clothes of an opposite floor; desire to get rid of sexual attributes available them; гетеросексуальный character of the sexual inclination having, in view of a structure of their body, a homosexual orientation, absence of the positive sensations connected with own genitals; the conviction which is not having character of delirium, that it is the person of an opposite floor, but having a corporal environment inappropriate to thus floor. In other groups ranked as a syndrome отвергания of a floor, other displays or their other combination are found out. In particular, for трансвестизма the sexual excitation accompanying « the crossed clothing », and for homosexuality - perception of the positive sensations which are starting with genitals is characteristic; for mental frustration - the fear connected with sexual identification. Operations of change of a floor can be shown at транссексуализме, homosexuality and трансвестизме while mentally sick, neurotics and социопатов do not operate. Incest (incest) represents the sexual relations between close relatives, and the degree of relationship defining these relations as кровосмесительные, stipulates corresponding legal norms. Incest is characterized not so much by attributes of sexual deviation, how many infringement of the legal norms accepted in this or that state, is similar to how infringement of such norms is rape and т. The item In many states (including European) is not established legal interdictions on incest, in this connection from the legal point of view (and also from the point of view of sexual partner norm) кровосмесительные communications do not concern in strict sense to девиантным to forms of behaviour.